Education and Research Department

TOTI will give you information about any competition


5th Industrial Design Seminar and Competition on 2013, be ready..


They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Be innovative.


We will influence you by sharing achievements of IE student

Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences

Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences
Tokyo, Japan
03-05 February, 2015

The Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ACENS 2015) will be held in Tokyo, Japan from February 3-5, 2015. Target of this conference is to bring together researchers from academia to practitioners to share innovative ideas, problems, and solutions.
This conference will provide an ideal academic platform for researchers to present the latest research findings and describe emerging technologies, and directions in Natural Sciences and Engineering issues. The conference seeks to contribute to presenting novel research results in all aspects of Natural Sciences and Engineering.
All accepted papers will be published in the ACENS 2015 proceedings. Submissions will be under peer-reviewed conducted by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Interested parties without papers/abstracts for presentation are also invited to participate as attendees at the ACENS 2015 Conference.

  VISA Announcement from ACENS 
Please note ACENS is not authorized to assist with the VISA process beyond providing the Notification of Acceptance Letter issued by the ACENS Committee Board.
Should your application be denied, ACENS cannot change the decision of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor will ACENS engage in discussion or correspondence with the MOFA or the Embassy of Japan on behalf of the applicant. The registration fee cannot be refunded when the VISA application of individual being denied.


  Paper Submission   
To submit your paper, please link to the website page at and create your account first.
Papers must be original, has not been previously published, and currently not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors should use MS-Word templates obtained from the conference website as their paper format.

The conference theme includes, but not limited to, the following topics:

  Tutorial Course  
Speaker: Jeffrey TrambleyAssociate Professor
Faculty of International Communication
Musashino Gakuin University and Graduate School
Topic: Presentation Skills to Impress: Making Presentations that POP

Further Information: 

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014


Kamu #CahTeknik? Mau nambah relasi internasional? Pengen ngerasain komunikasi intens secara langsung sama mahasiswa-mahasiswi internasional? Mau jadi agen budaya Indonesia? Mau jalan-jalan ke luar negeri? Punya nyali untuk mewujudkan itu semua? Ayo ikut seleksi untuk pengiriman delegasi Universitas Diponegoro dalam EDMAT (Engineering Development, Motivation and Awareness Training) 36 di University of Malaya!
Sebuah event berskala Asia-Pasifik yang menyatukan mahasiswa-mahasiswi Fakultas Teknik dari berbagai jurusan untuk mengikuti pelatihan keprofesian/keteknikan, pelatihan kepemimpinan, training motivasi, dinamika kelompok, games, kunjungan industrial dan rekreasional, malam kebudayaan, dan masih banyak kegiatan bermanfaat dan seru lainnya.
Gimana caranya? Baca persyaratannya di pamflet, siapkan semua file nya, lalu kumpulkan di PKM FT. Siapkan juga penampilan seni (bebas) untuk seleksinya ya! Jangan lupa personality dan public speaking juga dilatih. Because we are going to be the ambassador of Indonesia, so we are expecting the best of you!


FairMUN 2014
#I_Y_N #IYN_Youth #IYN_Asia #IYN_Malaysia

THE ROUND TABLE: A Pact for Equality

Date: 15th - 17th August, 2014
Venue: Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia

FairMUN 2014 is the first ever conference organised by Fairview Model United Nations. Situated in Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, FairMUN will comprise of 9 committees - the Arab League, ASEAN, DISEC, ECOSOC, SPECPOL, UNHRC, UNSC and WTO.

The secretariat of FairMUN 2014 includes members of the organising committee and admin of Selangor Model United Nations (SMUN) who organised SMUN 2013.

The conference will stem from a concentration and emphasis on the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), which will be further updated upon as the conference approaches.

FairMUN 2014 will be held from the 15th to the 17th of August 2014.

For more info and Registration:
FB Page: FairMUN
— bersama Gấu Chó Raccoon.

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Java Business Competition 2014 (JBC 2014)

Java Business Competition 2014 (JBC 2014)

Deadline lihat di bawah

Java Business Competition adalah event perlombaan bisnis tingkat Nasional yang dimana tahun ini adalah tahun ketiga event JBC. Jenis perlombaan tahun ini yaitu Debat Marketing, Simulasi Bisnis, Paper dan Produk Kreatif.

Peserta : Seluruh mahasiswa S1 dan D3 Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia
Tanggal kegiatan : 26, 27, 28 September 2014
Lokasi Kegiatan : Universitas Telkom Dayeuh Kolot Bandung

Jenis Perlombaan :
a. Debat Marketing
Tema : "Attracting Customer Through Creative Marketing Development"
Deadline Regristasi : 06 September 2014
klik utk perbesar
(untuk lebih lengkap kunjungi website JBC 2014)

b. Simulasi Bisnis
Tema : Becoming A Creative Leader in The Creative Industry with Strategies and Skill"
Deadline Regristasi : 23 Agustus 2014
(untuk lebih lengkap kunjungi website JBC 2014)

c. Paper
Tema : "Youth Empowerment in Creative Industry"
Subtema "Youth and Economy Creative"
"Youth and Technology Creative Development"
"Youth and Creative Social Business"
Deadline Abstrak : 15 Juni 2014 (Gratis!!!)
(untuk lebih lengkap kunjungi website JBC 2014)

d. Produk Kreatif
Tema : "Shokin' Ability wiht Creative Products"
Deadline : 04 Agustus 2014
(untuk lebih lengkap kunjungi website JBC 2014)

Hadiah : Uang tunai + Piagam

Jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan, hubungi kami di :
Contact Person :
085761979610 (Novi)
085350137313 (Lia)

Artikel terkait: 
-Java Business Competition 2013
Website :
Twitter : @JBC_TelkomUnv
Fanpage : JBC
Email :

Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Ajang lomba kreatifitas yang diadakan oleh Kemenpora antara lain :
1. Lomba Seni Cipta Rasa Kuliner.
2. Lomba Desain Produk Aplikasi Industri Kreatif Berbasis Teknologi Tepat Guna.
3. Lomba Kartun, Animasi dan Sketsa.
4. Lomba Kreasi dan Inovasi Produk Ramah Lingkungan untuk rumah tangga.
5. Lomba Musik etnik Nusantara.
6. Lomba dan Festifal Seni Teatrikal dan Pantomime.

Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

International Essay Contest

International Essay Contest ‪#‎IYN_Asia‬ ‪#‎IYN‬ ‪#‎IYN_Contest‬
Write an Essay,
"My Role as a Citizen of Earth"

In the vast universe, we were born on this planet called Earth, where various cultures and ethnicities, all living things, and all of nature exist together. However, in our world today, we face numerous problems--environmental destruction, resource depletion, wars and conflicts, poverty, and many more--that make our future uncertain. Given this situation, what do you think is the best way forward for humanity? How do you wish to fulfill your role as a citizen of Earth?
submit it to Goi Peace Foundation and win a prize money of 100,000 Yen along with a fully funded trip to Japan,
Deadline: 15 June 2014
Follow the link for further guidelines:
Students Opportunity Hunt

Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

CISAK 2014: Navigating Indonesian Diaspora for a Better Future

Dear teman-teman mahasiswa, periset dan profesional muda.
Jangan lupa untuk berpartisipasi dalam konferensi tahunan ke 7 CISAK 2014.
Awal Juli kami akan mulai early bird untuk pendaftaran konferensi.
Supaya akhir semester ini makin bahagia, yuk cek video teaser#2 CISAK
karya Kristoforus Harman, sutradara Ananta Bagas Rinarta, final touch Ismail Marzuki aktor Andrew Putrayudha. Be part of the glorious CISAK journey, CISAK 2014 "Navigating Indonesian Diaspora for a Better Future"

Skuad EEC 2014 Teknik Industri 2014

Setelah melalui seleksi yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5 - 6 Juni 2014, akhirnya terpilih enam mahasiswa sebagai berikut.
1. Priska Retnosari;
2. Yudha;
3. Nadia Azhari;
4. Lena Wulan;
5. Reza Trianto;
6. Uli Arta T.
Selamat atas keenamnya, yang telah terpilih menjadi perwakilan Teknik Industri UNDIP untuk berlaga di EEC 2014 (Engineering English Competition) pada 13-15 Juni 2014.
Semoga dapat memberikan kontribusi dan hasil yang maksimal.

Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

The essay competition is open to all university students who are currently enrolled regardless of the degree.
Essay Topic
Humans have been mainly dependant on oil as the main source of energy for many aspects. The availability of oil was almost the opposite of today as now we are currently facing the great extinction of oil. The scarcity of oil itself has been a global issue as we are now facing the need for a new source of energy.
Taking the global problem into our own issue, the topic for this year’s essay competition is:

“Sustainable Energy for All”

  1. Essay must be written in English, (900-1200) words in length, Times New Roman, 12, black ink and double spaced
  2. Only one entry per person is accepted and each entry should be the work of only one person.
  3. Essays cannot already been published.
  4. Any essays found to be plagiarized will be automatically disqualified and the entrée is to be prohibited from entering any future CISAK competitions. 
The first, second, and third winner consecutively are going to be given $750, $500, and $250 along with certificates from CISAK.
Important Dates for Essay Competition
The deadline for submission is 11:59pm GMT+9 June 30th, 2014.
Prize winners will be announced on August 11th, 2014

Further Infromation: